The newest version of the Jitterbug phone from Samsung, called the Jitterbug J, is an additional one great revision in technology that is designed for and compatible with the senior lifestyle. Along with the innovations gift in the former incarnations of Jitterbug, the new ones add functionality without detracting from the simplicity that made the Jitterbug the best choice for a senior cell phone.
The most high profile new choice on the Jitterbug J is the increasing of a straightforward text messaging capability. It even allows you to send back one of 20 pre-written response, or to craft one of your own the traditional way.
Jitterbug Cell Phones Reviews
Other new additions comprise Bluetooth and voice dialing. The voice-dialing system will dial numbers found in your phone book but not one that aren't. Like all Jitterbug J options, if you don't intend to use voice dialing or any of the other optional features, you can disable them from your menu at your request.
The Jitterbug J also has the newest hearing aid compatible technology called "T-coil" to deliver the highest quality sound. It also has a padded earpiece that helps reduce any background noise and is a nice fit for those who are wearing hearing aids. Easy volume controls allow you to adjust the volume from high to low while a call.
More new features and updates are planned for later this year, including a personal calendar and alert function, which you can schedule over the Web.
The Jitterbug J is extremely intuitive and customizable. Only see or use the features you desire. The bottom part of the display screen, called the "Command Area", displays straightforward 'Yes' or 'No' questions for every function on the Jitterbug J, making it a very easy expedient to use.
With extreme functionality and the convenience of a live operator on duty 24/7, as well as contract-free calling plans, the new Jitterbug J makes sense for seniors. Make sure to equip your loved ones with this great senior cell phone today!
A New Senior Cell Phone - The Jitterbug J